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Selected quotes about
U.S. Senator Daniel Baugh Brewster

“When the going was tough, and when the campaign was rough, Maryland produced a courageous and a valiant Senator to uphold my hand, and he stood in for me when I couldn’t be here – my good and trusted and beloved friend, your great Senator Danny Brewster.”

— President Lyndon B. Johnson







“We need to acknowledge the depths of his fall from privilege and victory

to understand the courage and grace of his ascent to the gentle man of

decency and principle that he had been and would remain.”

— Majority Leader Steny Hoyer







“I want to express my appreciation to my friend and colleague in the Congress, your Congressman, whom I hope you are going to return, not only for the benefit of this district, but also for the country, Congressman Danny Brewster, who has been our host today.”

— Democratic Presidential Nominee John F. Kennedy







“I believe it vitally important in the years 1963 and 1964 that this state and all the states of the union be represented in the House and Senate by those members who believe in progress, who believe in moving this country ahead ... I believe it vitally important to elect as your next United States Senator from the State of Maryland, Congressman Danny Brewster ...

What we’re talking about is those members of the House and Senate who support those programs of minimum wage, and medical care for the aging, and urban renewal, and cleaning our rivers, and giving security to our older people, and educating our children, and getting jobs for our workers. That’s the issue of this campaign, as it was in the campaign of 1960.”

— President John F. Kennedy







“If this country is to continue to progress, then we

need men like Dan Brewster in the U.S. Senate.”
— President John F. Kennedy














Maryland can be proud of another important contribution to America – Senator Dan Brewster. You have given America a fine legislator. Dan has been a public servant in the fullest sense. His first concern has always been with the quality of life in America. Dan knows how to get things done, an invaluable asset, I have found, in the United States Senate. His ability to get things done has made him Assistant Majority Whip, and I have watched him, with his special dignity and grace, rallying the Senate behind important Administration programs.

— Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey








“I’d like to talk to you for just a moment about your candidate for the United States Senate, Dan Brewster. Dan Brewster and I entered the United States Senate at the same time in 1963. Since that time, we’ve worked together on many matters which are important to my state of Massachusetts and to his state, Maryland. He speaks his mind. He’s concerned about the problems in our cities. He’s concerned about law and order. He wants full employment. He does not hesitate in speaking out about his solutions to the problems of rising taxes. Dan Brewster has met his opponents on the platforms throughout Maryland. He’s not afraid to speak out on these important issues and questions, issues which are before the people of Maryland and our Nation. And he speaks out with honesty and candor. Send Dan Brewster back to the United States Senate on November 5.”

— U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy






“The measure of a man is not how he acts in the moments of ease, but in the tough times.

In those times, Dan excelled. He could have looked on his life as defeat – but he did not.

He came back with vigor, good cheer and enormous determination.”

— Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend








“Danny Brewster led several successful lives and was able to overcome great

challenges. His core values of perseverance, hard work, civil rights, and justice

enabled him to achieve his goals and provide leadership...”

— U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin







“I have great respect for men like Danny Brewster

who served their country in war and peace.”
— Former U.S. Senator Bob Dole

1996 Republican Nominee for President








“Senator Daniel Brewster was a great man who took one for the team by running against Alabama Governor George Wallace in the 1964 Maryland Democratic Presidential Primary. He was also incredibly strong and was well-known to have wrestled a parking meter out of an Annapolis sidewalk during his time in the Maryland House of Delegates.”

— Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.






“Daniel Brewster’s legacy can be found in his commitment to

civil rights, his ability to find strength through adversity, and

his devotion to the state of Maryland and its people.”

— Speaker Nancy Pelosi







“The devotees of civil rights in this country and freedom loving

people the world over are greatly indebted to you for your

support in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

— The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.







“It is a great tribute to the judgment of the Maryland voters and to our democratic form of government that a man of Dan Brewster’s unusual talents and outstanding experience should be selected as a member of the United States House of Representatives.”

— House Speaker House John McCormack












“Congressman Dan Brewster has made an outstanding

contribution to the Congress by his clear analysis and

understanding of our defense needs.”

— President John F. Kennedy






“I appreciate this opportunity to speak to the people of Maryland, and I would like to thank all of you who are watching for the many messages of sympathy you have sent since last November to Mrs. Kennedy and her children, and for the prayers you have offered in their behalf ... I hope all Maryland Democrats who voted for my brother in 1960 will vote for Senator Brewster in this primary. The lesson should be that we should not hate but love one another, as the Bible preaches, that we should cast our vote and use our powers to create not conditions of oppression that lead to violence, but a climate of freedom that leads to peace. It is in that spirit, and that of your own great tradition, that I hope the Democrats of Maryland will vote on May 19 for Senator Brewster.”

— U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy











“The life and spirit of Daniel Brewster, I think stands in his story. It’s one that took

him all over the world, answering a calling that took many forms. His deeds were the

stuff of legends. He brought us together. He stood for ordinary people, making

them believe they could do great things.”

— Governor Martin O’Malley














“One of the best helpers I have in the United States Senate is my

beloved friend Danny Brewster, a great Democrat.”

— President Lyndon B. Johnson







“Daniel Brewster had what many others did not – the determination to live life to the fullest. Unlike Hamlet, he did not consider succumbing to ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ but rather fought against his ‘sea of troubles.’ In doing so, he made many worthwhile and commendable contributions to his community, State and Nation.”

— U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski







“Dan was remarkable for the fact that he never carried

any bitterness or acrimony. It’s an extraordinary quality

and he should be remembered for it.”

— Former U.S. Senator Charles McCurdy “Mac” Mathias Jr.







“The Senator from Maryland is a wonderful human being, a fine Senator, competent, intelligent, charming. He took on a very tough task in running as a stand-in candidate for President Johnson. This is always a hard role. Brewster won and deserves the thanks and acclaim of all civil rights adherents.”

— U.S. Senator William Proxmire








“Senator Brewster’s heroism, compassion, and promotion of

equality for all are legendary – his patriotism and dedication

to his country and to Maryland renowned.”

— Maryland State Treasurer Nancy Kopp

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